How to Setup ISO HTTP Support on Linux

This is for OS installs to download ISOs from HTTP.

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You've automated: Setup ISO HTTP Support on Linux

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The following steps will guide you through the manual process.

Connect via ssh:

ssh {automationworkerlinuxuserroot}@{automationworkerlinuxnode}

Execute the following script:

dnf -y install python39 python39-pip

Execute the following script:

pip3.9 install twisted

Execute the following script:

which twistd

Execute the following script:

useradd --create-home "{automationWorkerLinuxUser.user}"

echo "{automationWorkerLinuxUser.user}":"{automationWorkerLinuxUser.password}" \
    | chpasswd

Connect via ssh:

ssh {automationworkerlinuxuser}@{automationworkerlinuxnode}

Copy the File(s) run_httpisosh.tar to the target node.

Extract and deploy the File(s) here:

$HOME, relative to the home directory

Execute the following script:

chmod a+x

Connect via ssh:

ssh {automationworkerlinuxuserroot}@{automationworkerlinuxnode}

Copy the File(s) httpisoservice.tar to the target node.

Extract and deploy the File(s) here:


Connect via ssh:

ssh {automationworkerlinuxuser}@{automationworkerlinuxnode}

Execute the following script:

mkdir --parents kickstart

Connect via ssh:

ssh {automationworkerlinuxuserroot}@{automationworkerlinuxnode}

Execute the following script:

systemctl daemon-reload

Execute the following script:

systemctl enable --now httpiso

Connect via ssh:

ssh {automationworkerlinuxuser}@{automationworkerlinuxnode}

Execute the following script:

systemctl status httpiso

Connect via ssh:

ssh {automationworkerlinuxuserroot}@{automationworkerlinuxnode}

Execute the following script:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8050/tcp
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8050/tcp


You have completed this instruction.

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